It was really cruel of the sales person to not help out this person who may be illiterate, or just not be good at reading, or might he foreign, or struggle with numbers or symbols for inches.
You know, not everyone is operating on the same level. You have to meet people where they are (it will be obvious as in this example).
Kudos to the customer for sticking with the requests, despite the sales person’s refusal to aid them with their needs… He must have had a real genuine interest in buying the lamp to have worked through his feelings and persisted in that environment.
This is a joke about Craigslist and Facebook marketplace listings. That’s why the sales person keeps saying to look at the “post” and not the sign. If you ever sell something online you will get hundreds of people like this. They clearly have the literacy to log on to the site and to ask questions in written form but still don’t read the post.
Cartoonist don’t necessarily draw things based on what’s commonly happened to people. Often they’re just drawing things that are funny regardless if whether they’re realistic. There’s just nothing I can see in the images that shows either way.
I only know 2 people who are illiterate, my father is one of them. He will take pictures of stuff and send them to my mother. And usually goes off the pictures for most stuff.
It was really cruel of the sales person to not help out this person who may be illiterate, or just not be good at reading, or might he foreign, or struggle with numbers or symbols for inches.
You know, not everyone is operating on the same level. You have to meet people where they are (it will be obvious as in this example).
Kudos to the customer for sticking with the requests, despite the sales person’s refusal to aid them with their needs… He must have had a real genuine interest in buying the lamp to have worked through his feelings and persisted in that environment.
This is a joke about Craigslist and Facebook marketplace listings. That’s why the sales person keeps saying to look at the “post” and not the sign. If you ever sell something online you will get hundreds of people like this. They clearly have the literacy to log on to the site and to ask questions in written form but still don’t read the post.
And ask the color when there is a picture right there.
You can lead a horse to fresh water, but you can’t make them drink.
What makes you say it’s a comic specifically about those websites?
Looks like it’s depicting like a garage sale.
Because no one posts a sign like that at a garage sale. It’s very clearly meant to represent a common experience, and that would be selling online.
Cartoonist don’t necessarily draw things based on what’s commonly happened to people. Often they’re just drawing things that are funny regardless if whether they’re realistic. There’s just nothing I can see in the images that shows either way.
I only know 2 people who are illiterate, my father is one of them. He will take pictures of stuff and send them to my mother. And usually goes off the pictures for most stuff.
This must be a shit troll attempt or your first day on the internet to not have encountered any form of marketplace.
No one who acts like the dumbo in the cartoon have ANY intention to buy and just there to grief people.