At best, he doesn’t understand what a Hybrid Car is.

  • auzy@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    It’s not about free electricity though. It’s about efficiency

    It’s not about cost

    The facts are, with hydrogen, you waste at least 40% of the energy excluding transport due to inefficiencies and manufacture and fuel wastage . So you need to build a lot more solar panels. You also need clean water to do it

    With electric, you waste less than 10%

    We don’t have hydrogen planes yet, and it might not really be that feasible (there are a lot of considerations for planes. I’ve actually got a pilot licence).

    With hydrogen, you need almost twice the solar panels to produce the same results

    You also need to consider, battery technologies are still early days. If lithium at the moment supports 1000km of travel, later generation lithium air can support 12000km with the same space.

    That’s why hydrogen has such limited applications too. Because even if you increase the density of lithium 2x, most applications where hydrogen benefits disappears

    But in reality we’d probably shift from lithium anyway I’m guessing

    Hydrogen still hugely better than gas though, and Trump is an idiot lol