More than a thousand Harvard students walked out of their commencement ceremony yesterday to support 13 undergraduates who were barred from graduating after they participated in the Gaza solidarity encampment in Harvard Yard.

Asmer Safi, one of the 13 pro-Palestinian student protesters barred from graduating, says that while his future has been thrown into uncertainty while he is on probation, he has no regrets about standing up for Palestinian rights.

    4 months ago

    Sure let’s go!

    1. They just now finalized the rule and it’s expected to be struck down in the courts under the major questions doctrine. Exactly like Obama’s. If it isn’t struck down then it still has to contend with the massive amount of wage theft in this country. Rights you cannot access are not rights.

    1. Lmao, that was a pharma corporate push. Biden just didn’t get in the way. But again, the republican courts are already on making sure we can’t have nice things.

    1. Oh so there’s money to give kids counselors after a shooting, but not money to let the CDC study gun violence?

    1. Biden came into office with renewable energy already at lower building and maintenance cost than fossil fuels. The IRA actually restricted the growth of renewable energy stuff to make sure American Rich people got more rich. It also protects Big Oil because it made renewable energy more expensive to build and maintain.

    1. This doesn’t matter because house prices are still accelerating ridiculously fast, now with high interest mortgages.

    1. The CFPB is as poisoned as the FCC. This rule will last as long as Biden does.

    1. This is awkward, but this was actually a Trump era law.

    1. The GOP ran an end-run around this law before it was even “reformed”. They have laws allowing their legislatures to designate a winner instead of listening to the “preference vote”.

    1. MIC goes Brrrrrrt no matter whose in charge.

    1. The family farm is dead. This is just another gift to corporations.

    1. Really? The paint on the special plane is on this list? People are fucking dying.

    1. Nobody in the Southwest expects the water deal to hold once the chips are down. The federal money is nice but Vegas and California aren’t going to cut back their usage when Phoenix reaches zero day. They certainly aren’t going to tolerate having a day like that themselves so city and state officials downriver can continue to pull water rather than ship it in. We need to incentivize moving people and corporations out of the area.

    1. Again, the family farms are dead. There are small(er) Ag corps, but nothing like the PR suggests. Corporations thank you for your donation.

    1. Marijuana did not get legalized. Schedule 3 drugs are still illegal to have without government permission.

    1. Oh hey, this could be great. If SCOTUS doesn’t kill it for being a novel regulation instead of a novel legislation. They’ve been very clear about that since their EPA ruling about coal.

    1. We actually just found out that Intel got a giant chunk of this funding for defense industry chips. The other fun problem is related to number 12. The new chip factory is in Arizona. It’s startlingly water neutral but it does still require water. And it brings more people into the water problem.

    1. This is something that could go either way. It’s not an unalloyed good without legislative follow up that doesn’t exist.

    1. The MIC goes Brrrrrt no matter who is president.

    1. As the 2018 plan showed, good vibes do not stop cyber attacks.

    1. The MIC goes Brrrrrt no matter who is president. But also this is taking credit for something the two countries were already coming around to. Fun extra - Both countries also have unpopular presences of US troops that domestic politics may force out.

    1. They seriously just gave Biden credit for decades of progress on Cancer. I didn’t know he was president for that long…

    1. Yup it’s true, look up ADHD symptoms and you too can get legal speed easier than ever.

    1. This one might actually be the gem on the list, I wonder why it’s buried so far down? Oh yeah that’s to do with Politico’s ownership. At any rate it’s super narrow, well based in law, and leaves a ton of room for companies to wiggle out of their unions still. So SCOTUS might let it stand as a PR show.

    1. Yes, we know Biden can run a functional government. That’s the basic job requirement.

    1. Doomed by SCOTUS. It’s not based in law and SCOTUS has made their opinion of that very clear.

    1. Damn they’re just going to ignore the Infrastructure bills passed by Clinton, Bush, and Obama? I know Trump’s presidency seemed like forever, but there was a before time.

    1. Yup Biden achieved the “All of the above” energy policy. It really made sure we’re moving towards more oil production. Yup you read that right. They just tried to positive spin Record US Oil Production. And gas prices just keep on climbing that staircase to heaven. So they’re producing more, and keeping record profits doing so.

    1. MIC goes Brrrrrrrt. Also a repeat of number 20.

    1. Repeat cyber attacks. I get the feeling someone mandated the list be 30 things long?

    1. Yay people who can afford air travel can get refunds! For real screw the corporations, but we’ve got bigger problems than airline refunds.

    Okay so how did we do? Let’s have a look. 12 things on the list were in process before he started. 14 things that aren’t really more than performative politics. 10 things that are just gifts to corporations with fun wrapping. Okay though how many actually good things did he pass that SCOTUS doesn’t have a standing opinion against? 6, six things out of a list of 30. And they all come with giant asterisks. There’s one thing on the list that’s just straight progress and that’s the NLRB Cemex decision. As always it comes down to democrats failing to reform the supreme court. They aren’t willing to do the actual thing needed to stop living in a status quo set by republicans.

      4 months ago

      Completely unrealistic bullshit most of your whining isn’t even about Biden lmao. Brrrt my ass lol.