
It is an intense math test and i am thinking about writing formulas in paper bits and hiding it in the shoe sole and pockets as there is no body search .

I have no time to study and i am sleep starved.

If i am caught cheating i will be banned from writing it again for 4 years and will be stuck in a state i hate as it is hell (because if i pass this i am kinda set for life and if i don’t fucked).

Am i fucked ?

    6 months ago

    If it’s formulas you are worried about scratch them into something like the bottom of your shoe or a water bottle. Anything you can take into the test. Even if you can’t look at the bottom of your shoe maybe you could feel what the formula is.

    Maybe you could use the inside of your shirt. Kind of stretch it like you have an itch but you have the formulas on the inside?

    Up voting you and wishing you good luck. Would love an update with how it goes.