Prosecutors will seek the death penalty for the white supremacist who killed 10 Black people at a Buffalo supermarket.

      8 months ago

      🤣 Oh, you’re so cute when you pretend your way of thinking is an axiom inherently better than others.

      Communities DO have that right because they’re the community and they’re the ones who make the rules. There is no god or goddess dictating morality to us humans no matter how badly people want to pretend there is, there is only ourselves and nature, and we as the self-aware ones who invented morality have the right to make those choices because it’s OUR institution.

      And not yours.

          8 months ago

          We will, because that is the way reality is whether you want to accept it or not. Your god is NOT coming to save you because he is not real. He is a fictional character in a book.

          Communities have the right to make those decisions because the well being of their constituents is in the balance. Humans are diverse, self-aware, and have free will, and they can actively choose to do helpful or destructive things whenever they want. That also means they have diverse interests, and those interests directly conflict with one another. A or not A. B or not B. And we can’t have both. That means communities have to make hard choices about whose needs and interests it is going to place above others, because logically it is impossible to make both happy. And given the whole point of a fucking community is to protect the best interests of its members, it’s those interests it has to prioritize above everything else.

          This is why communities not only have the right to kill humans that threaten it, but have a responsibility to. Because its members have to be placed higher in importance to those who threaten or harm it for the community to survive.

          This is the world we live in based on the laws of physics and evolution. It is NOT going to change just because you don’t like it.

          Do what you tell every rape victim to do when they call you out on your obvious immoral shit: get over it and move on, honey, or the world will move on without you.

            8 months ago

            you’re ok with putting a bullet in every rapists head aren’t you

            btw your appeal to nature fallacy is showing

              8 months ago

              Yes, that is what is moral. That’s why communities have the death penalty.

              It also literally doesn’t matter if you want to accuse me of using a naturalistic fallacy or not, it’s reality whether you want to admit it or not.

              All morality ultimately boils down to is our feelings, the community’s feelings, and what works in the real world and in the real world, you’re just wrong.

              It’s up to you to put your ego and pride to the side and actually think about what I’m saying.

              Now you think that your own moral outlook and beliefs are objective facts when they’re really not, and you think your axioms are shared by everyone when they are not. The world doesn’t revolve around you. You don’t dictate morality to us. We dictate it to you.

                8 months ago

                who the fuck is this we? who do you think you’re representing? the justice league?

                Jesus you’re really no better than this murderous fascist.

                  8 months ago

                  Literally everyone else except you and your creepy little cult.

                  Including the Black, Jewish, Hispanic and LGBTQ+ communities whose existence on this Earth you are threatening because you don’t see or care that your absurd anti-death-penalty stance is enabling literal genocide, because you are now defending fascists.

                  You might not like it, but the state executing people like him is vital not just for his victims but to prevent very real crimes against humanity as a species.

                  But you didn’t think about that.